Eco-friendly and all-natural cat litters that contain no harmful chemicals, keeping your pets safe from potential illnesses. Check out these healthy alternatives that are made entirely from plants.
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Are you still using clay cat litter?
Clay cat litter is the common standard for most cat owners. Unfortunately for us consumers, it is made with harmful additives that are designed for clumping agents and odor control. Crystalline silica dust is one of the main ingredients, and is classified by OSHA as a lung carcinogen for humans and animals. It is known to cause respiratory problems over time, especially harmful if ingested as cats clean themselves. Litter also contains sodium benonite, which can cause stomach concerns, and artificial scents that consistently reek of ammonia.
Not only is it unhealthy for your home, it’s terrible on the environment. It is made by strip-mining, destroying habitats and polluting surrounding water systems. It is not biodegradable, leaving heaps of soiled litter in landfills. New silica-based litters are even worse, as they contribute to micro plastics in the ocean.
Bad for the environment, bad for your pets.
The less ingredients, the better. This goes for our food, hygiene products, and cleaning supplies. Why neglect when it comes to our cats?
Making the switch to a safer and cleaner alternative is easier than you think. There are so many all-natural litters that are made from plants such as grass, walnut, pine, and corn. These types of plant-based litters are obviously biodegradable and naturally control odor.

Best All-Natural Cat Litters
Naturally Fresh Cat Litter – Walnut-Based Quick-Clumping Kitty Litter
SmartCat All Natural Clumping Cat Litter
ARM HAMMER Naturals Cat Litter
Feline Pine
Pine is naturally deodorizing, leaving your house smelling fresh. It doesn’t clump, instead the urine disolves into sawdust, which can manually be scooped out or separated using a sifting litterbox for easier cleanup.
On a personal note, I have been using these pine pellets for over 2 years. A handful of house guests have asked about it after commenting on the lack of smell, and they made the switch over to this brand.
Con: Can be hard for your cats to adjust due to its hard and rolling texture. Mine had no issue with the switch, but some minor litter training might be needed if your cats aren’t adjusting.
World’s Best Cat Litter
Naturally lightweight and dust-free, World’s Best Cat Litter is made from whole kernel corn. It absorbs moisture, leaving flushable, septic-safe clumps that don’t stick to the sides of the litter box.
Con: The unscented pack doesn’t help with odor control.
Naturally Fresh Walnut-Based, Quick-Clumping Kitty Litter
Stated in the name, Naturally Fresh Cat Litter – Walnut-Based Quick-Clumping Kitty Litter, is made with 100% walnut shells. It’s highly absorbent and lasts twice as long as clay litter. Walnut is amazing in masking odor, even if your cats don’t bury their poop.
Con: Though considered dust-free, it does leave a trace brownish residue on your cat’s paws, sometimes causing staining on floors or tubs.
Smart Cat Natural Clumping Cat Litter
Looks and feels like traditional clay litter, making for an easier and less-confusing change for your cats. It’s made with 100% grass seed that is grown in the USA. It’s very lightweight and clumps just like the stuff you’re used to. The odor control is similar to what you would expect from clay, but with no added articial scents.
Con: It’s pricey and it tracks.
Arm & Hammer Naturals
If smell is your dealbreaker for natural cat litter, Arm and & Hammer Naturals is a win that is naturally scented with baking soda and plant extracts. At nearly the same price of clay Arm & Hammer cat litter (only $1-$2 more), this corn-based cat version is lightweight, super absorbent, and clumps hard for easy scooping.
Con: The added scent might be too overpowering or perfumey of a Fresh Scent smell.
Pine pellets are often available at your local farm and fleet store for way cheaper than the retail branded cat litter kind. Look for horse bedding, and save on the bulk purchase.
It is easy to DIY a sifting litter box using plastic storage pins and a power drill.
Biodegradable poop bags to reduce plastic waste
Thanks for reading!
Clay cat litter should be a thing of the past with how bad it is for our pets and the environment. Most cat owners unknowingly have smelly, dangerous cat litter when there are much healthier alternatives. Feline Pine has been a staple in my house for 2 years. I am happy knowing that my 2 cats are doing their business the all natural way, free of chemicals and back to nature.
Consider the switch for your pets and for the earth.
Envision La Vida
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