Discover Your Creative Flow Again. If you’re a creative soul in a stagnant rut, this article is your guiding light. Explore these 5 inspiring books (and then some) that will help reignite your artistic brilliance. Say goodbye to creative blocks with these recommended reads.
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Take it from me:
An inconsistent blogger, full-time bartender, and full-time student.
It is hard to feel creative when you’re bogged down with constant responsibilities. These books have gotten me out of the most stagnant of creative blocks. Since I am often so busy working or studying, I like to listen to these books on Audible to save on time and keep my mind occupied.
Table of Contents
Steal Like an Artist Trilogy
by Austin Kleon
Practical and easily applicable advice for your creative struggles.
Keep Going: 10 Ways to Stay Creative in Good Times and Bad
Show Your Work!: 10 Ways to Share Your Creativity and Get Discovered
Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative
This inspiring trilogy takes on creative ruts with a slice of life, day-to-day approach. It is full of ideas that may seem daunting but are really not that difficult nor scary. It’s all about putting your ideas in the open, and evolving with your art.
Favorite Advice:
- Post everyday, even if it’s just a story or a picture.
- Take a walk to silence your doubts and get your creativity flowing.
Honest Review:
I listened to the Steal Like An Artist Trilogy on Audible and they melded together with mostly similar lessons amongst them. The whole thing wasn’t very long, and it was engaging and eye-opening.
The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity
by Julia Cameron
A spiritual approach to making art
For decades, this book has been a staple for creative minds. Its core message centers around delving deep within yourself to establish a spiritual connection with a Higher Power, thereby unlocking creativity. Cameron illustrates these effective techniques through examples from her own life experiences and the stories of her clients.
Favorite Advice:
- Freeflow writing at least 3 pages every morning.
- Go for a walk every day.
- Take yourself on weekly Artist Dates to keep your inner child active and imaginative.
Honest Review:
Though the book is filled with so much guidance, it drones for a while, reiterating the same advice in almost every chapter. I listened to it on Audible at 1.5x speed because the narrator talks so slow and the book is pretty long. It took me a while to read because I broke it up with fiction books when I started to feel overwhelmed and zoned out with redundant nonfiction and the self-help genre.
Though I don’t identify myself as a religious person, this book does offer solid advice on getting your creative juices flowing through spirituality.
You Are A Badass
by Jen Sincero
I first picked up this book in a public library several years ago and loved it so much I bought my own copy.
Full government name: You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life
These books are a fun ride into a deep dive of your wildest dreams and deepest personal downfalls. Much like in The Artist’s Way, this series also implements creativity through spirituality. Each chapter is less than 10 pages and formatted into bite-size lessons on how to tap into a Higher Power for guidance. Sincero includes personal workshop segments at the end of each chapter to help you reflect on yourself, allowing you to recognize your traumas and where you need improvement in your goals.
Subsequentially, You Are a Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Making Wealth delves into the specifics if your artistic goal is monetarily driven
Favorite Advice:
- Learn to meditate and control your thoughts.
- Write what you’re grateful for in your daily journal.
Honest Review:
Though the tone of the book is witty and energetic, it can come off as corny. Her stories, personal and writer submitted, are insightful and inspiring but it’s hard to take some chapters seriously when she’s constantly saying Awesome! and Kick Butt! Though the writing is often cringey, I am a still a big fan of the lessons and workshops.
Just Do the Damn Thing
by Reese Owen
This one is for the procrastinating girlies.
Full government name: Just Do The Damn Thing: How To Sit Your @ss Down Long Enough To Exert Willpower, Develop Self Discipline, Stop Procrastinating, Increase Productivity, … Sh!t Done (Self help with a little sass.)
Just as the title states, Just Do the Damn Thing, this book is made for those creatives who have been putting off their ideas until the *right moment* shows up. Before you know it, your goal deadline passes by and the idea has not yet left the confines of your brain. Not only does it target procrastination, it helps to create more time in your day by helping you restructure your life.
Favorite Advice:
- There really is no excuse as to why you haven’t done the damn thing.
- Things can be so much worse in your life so there is no point in feeling sorry for yourself.
Honest Review:
This book lit a fire under my butt and I started to take this blog more seriously. She has a humorous tone, similar to Jen Sincero, author of the You Are a Badass Series, that kept my attention for the duration of the book.
The Alchemist
by Paolo Coelho
My go-to feeling lost book.
It’s refreshing to take a break from all of the nonfiction lessons and inspiring life stories of traditional self-help books.
Paolo Coelho’s The Alchemist tells a whimsical story about a Spanish shepherd named Santiago who has an intense and vivid dream of seeing the Great Pyramids. He abandons his old life in search of the unknown, facing divine obstacles and life lessons along the way.
Favorite Advice:
- You are exactly where you need to be at all times.
- Everything happens for a reason.
- Chase your dreams, no matter how far or how wild.
- Follow your intuition.
Honest Review:
It’s so cute <3
Though I normally listen to audiobooks while I commute or do chores around the house, I prefer to sit down and read this whimsical this book about twice a year to remind myself of my goals. There are life lessons in every part of the story, and even little pictures to help set the scene. The writing style is simplistic and easy to follow Santiago on his journey to fulfill his life destiny.
Thanks for Reading!

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